Vice President of Sales, secondary packaging industry, Mexico

The challenge.

Our candidate, a seasoned Vice President of Sales, approached us with a unique career aspiration. With a specialised skillset in developing and opening the Mexican market for businesses within the secondary packaging industry, he was seeking his next career move. This presented us with a distinctive challenge:

  • Identify companies that could benefit from the candidate’s niche expertise in Mexican market expansion
  • Navigate the specialised secondary packaging market to find suitable opportunities
  • Ensure the candidate’s unique value proposition was effectively communicated to potential employers
  • Find roles that would allow the candidate to fully utilise his skills in market development and business expansion

 Our search needed to be precisely targeted and discreet and roles that specifically required expertise in Mexican market expansion were not readily advertised, necessitating a proactive and strategic approach.

The solution.

To address these challenges and find the ideal opportunity for our candidate, we devised a tailored, targeted approach:

  • Collaborative strategy development: We worked closely with the candidate to identify a select group of companies he was particularly interested in joining. This ensured our search was aligned with his career aspirations and industry preferences
  • Precision targeting: Based on the identified companies, we conducted thorough research to pinpoint the right decision-makers within each organisation. This targeted approach ensured our outreach would reach those with the authority to create or approve a role suited to our candidate’s unique skillset
  • Customised outreach: We crafted personalised messages for each identified contact, highlighting our candidate’s unique value proposition in developing the Mexican market. This approach emphasised how his expertise could drive growth and expansion for their businesses
  • Market education: In cases where companies hadn’t previously considered expansion into Mexico, we provided insights into the potential benefits, positioning our candidate as a key asset in realising these opportunities
  • Confidential process management: Throughout the process, we maintained strict confidentiality
  • Comprehensive support: We provided end-to-end support, from initial outreach to interview preparation and offer negotiation, ensuring a smooth and professional process for both the candidate and potential employers

The result.

Our targeted and strategic approach yielded impressive results:

  • Multiple opportunities: Three companies expressed strong interest in interviewing our candidate, validating both his unique skillset and our targeted approach
  • Successful placement: We successfully placed the candidate with one of these companies, where he is now spearheading their business development efforts in Mexico
  • Expanded role: Beyond the initial scope, the candidate has also supported the company in establishing their legal entity in Mexico, showcasing the additional value he brings to the role
  • Market entry success: The placement has enabled the hiring company to effectively enter and develop their business within the Mexican market, leveraging our candidate’s expertise and network
  • Long-term impact: This placement not only fulfilled our candidate’s career aspirations but also positioned the hiring company for significant growth in a new market
  • Enhanced service offering: This success has strengthened our reputation in handling niche, high-impact placements in specialised markets

Through our tailored approach and deep understanding of both our candidate’s needs and the market dynamics, we were able to create a perfect match that benefited both the candidate and the hiring company. This case study demonstrates our ability to navigate complex, specialised markets and deliver high-impact results through strategic talent placement.