Navigating a complex hiring challenge – packaging industry – US

The challenge.

A client approached us with a unique and complex challenge. They needed to hire a sales professional in a specific location within the US. However, they were unsure if such talent existed in that area. This lack of information extended to several critical factors:

  • Market knowledge: The client had little to no knowledge about the local market, including the calibre of available candidates and their salary expectations.

  • Feasibility: They needed to determine whether recruiting from this area was feasible and cost-effective, as they had no prior data to guide their decision.

  • Cost concerns: The client was hesitant about engaging an agency on an exclusive basis due to the potential financial risk if they decided against hiring from that area. They were worried about the costs associated with a failed search and needed assurance that their investment would be protected.

The solution.

To address these challenges and mitigate the client’s concerns, we developed a customised approach that combined flexibility, thorough market analysis, and risk-sharing:

  • Retained basis agreement: We proposed working on a retained basis, which involved taking only a small portion of the fee upfront. The remainder of the fee would be invoiced only upon the successful placement of a candidate. This approach minimised the client’s financial risk and provided them with assurance that they would not incur significant costs without results.

  • Flexible fee transfer: Understanding the client’s hesitance, we offered to transfer the upfront fee to another role if they decided against hiring from the initial area. This ensured that there was no financial loss, regardless of the outcome.

  • Comprehensive market analysis: We conducted an extensive analysis of the local market to provide the client with a detailed breakdown of the following:
    • Candidate pool: We identified the availability and calibre of potential candidates in the specified location.
    • Salary expectations: We provided insights into the salary ranges and expectations of candidates in that area.
    • Candidate motivations: We explored the reasons why candidates might be interested or disinterested in the role, helping the client understand the dynamics of the local talent pool.

The result.

The tailored and strategic approach yielded significant benefits for the client:

  1. Informed decision-making: Armed with comprehensive market insights, the client was able to make an informed decision. They concluded that hiring from the specific location was not the best option and decided to recruit from another region in the US.

  2. Seamless fee transfer: As per our agreement, the upfront fee was seamlessly transferred to another role within the company. This flexibility reassured the client and solidified their trust in our services.

  3. Successful placement: We successfully placed a candidate in the newly identified region, demonstrating our ability to adapt and deliver results despite initial challenges.

  4. Strengthened partnership: The successful placement and our risk-mitigated strategy enhanced our relationship with the client, leading to additional roles and successful placements.

This case study showcases our ability to navigate complex and unfamiliar markets while providing value-driven solutions that align with our clients’ needs. By leveraging a strategic, flexible approach, we ensured client satisfaction and established a long-term partnership based on trust and successful outcomes.